Your Online Guide About Digital Pianos Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:41:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yamaha YPG-235 Review Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:25:51 +0000 Check Out Pricing and Availability on Amazon There’s a digital piano that’s caught my eye in the past few years—the Yamaha YPG 235. It’s a versatile and affordable option from Yamaha, a brand that’s well-known for producing reliable musical instruments.  The YPG 235 is particularly great for beginners and intermediate players who are looking for… Continue reading

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yamaha ypg-235 review

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There’s a digital piano that’s caught my eye in the past few years—the Yamaha YPG 235. It’s a versatile and affordable option from Yamaha, a brand that’s well-known for producing reliable musical instruments. 

The YPG 235 is particularly great for beginners and intermediate players who are looking for a solid keyboard with a wide range of features. I’ve been noticing it for a while now, and I can tell you, it’s perfect for everything from practice sessions at home to small gigs. 

With its user-friendly design and impressive sound quality, the Yamaha YPG-235 is definitely worth considering if you’re in the market for a digital piano that offers great value for its price.

Key Features of the Yamaha YPG-235

One of the first things you’ll notice about the Yamaha YPG 235 is its impressive range of features. It has 76 touch-sensitive keys, which provide a more dynamic playing experience compared to typical 61-key keyboards. The keys have a good feel to them, not quite fully weighted but still responsive enough to give you a sense of control over your music.

Sound Quality

The sound quality is where the YPG 235 really shines. Yamaha has included their AWM Stereo Sampling technology, which makes the piano sounds remarkably realistic. Plus, with 32-note polyphony, you can play complex pieces without worrying about notes dropping out. I was particularly impressed with the variety of instrument voices available—there are over 500 to choose from! This makes it easy to explore different genres and styles of music.

Touch Response

Touch response is another strong point. The YPG 235 responds well to varying touch levels, which adds a lot of expression to your playing. It’s great for everything from classical pieces to pop songs.

Built-In Features

In terms of built-in features, this piano doesn’t disappoint:

  • It has a built-in six-track recorder, which is fantastic for capturing your performances and composing music.
  • The USB connectivity allows you to connect the keyboard to your computer, making it easy to use with music software or to download new songs and styles. 
  • I found the Yamaha Education Suite to be a handy tool for learning new songs and improving my playing skills.

Overall, the Yamaha YPG 235 is packed with features that make it a versatile and enjoyable instrument to play, whether you’re practicing at home or performing on stage.

Yamaha YPG-235 Design And Build Quality

The Yamaha YPG 235 has a design that’s both practical and appealing. It sports a sleek, modern look with a silver finish that fits nicely into any home or studio setup. 

The build quality feels solid, which is something I always appreciate in a digital piano. It doesn’t feel flimsy or cheap, and you can tell that Yamaha put some thought into making it durable.

Yamaha YPG 235 review and pros and cons

I was pleasantly surprised by how lightweight and portable the YPG 235 is. At just about 18 pounds, it’s easy to move around the house or take to a friend’s place for a jam session. The compact size is also a big plus if you’re short on space. 

The control panel is well-organized and user-friendly. The buttons and LCD display are intuitive, making it easy to navigate through the various settings and features. I found it straightforward to adjust the sounds and effects, which is great when you’re in the middle of a practice session and want to make quick changes.

Another thing I like about the YPG 235 is the built-in speakers. They deliver clear and powerful sound, which is impressive for a keyboard in this price range. 

Of course, if you want to enhance your sound further, there are plenty of connectivity options for external speakers or headphones.

The  Yamaha YPG 235 is well-designed and built to last. It combines aesthetic appeal with practical features, making it a great choice for any musician looking for a reliable and portable digital piano.

Check Out Pricing and Availability on Amazon

Yamaha YPG-235 User Experience

Setting up the Yamaha YPG 235 was a breeze—I had it up and running in no time. The user interface is straightforward, with well-labeled buttons and a clear LCD display that makes navigating through the features easy. 

Playing on this keyboard feels comfortable, thanks to its responsive keys and intuitive layout. I’ve enjoyed trying out this piano without any strain, and the overall experience has been smooth and enjoyable.

Yamaha YPG-235 vs. Casio WK-245

The Yamaha YPG-235 reminds me of a similar digital piano, the Casio WK-245. Both of these keyboards are fantastic choices for beginners and intermediate players who want a versatile and feature-rich instrument without breaking the bank.

First off, both the YPG-235 and the WK-245 come with 76 touch-sensitive keys. This gives you a wider range than the typical 61-key models, making it easier to play more complex pieces. The touch sensitivity on both keyboards is great for adding expression to your playing, although I find the Yamaha’s keys to have a slightly more natural feel.

Comparison Table

Feature Yamaha YPG-235 Casio WK-245
Key Count 76 touch-sensitive keys 76 touch-sensitive keys
Sound Quality AWM Stereo Sampling AHL Sound Source
Learning Tools Yamaha Education Suite Step-Up Lesson System
Recording Capabilities 6-track recorder Built-in recorder
Connectivity USB connectivity USB connectivity
Portability Lightweight and portable Lightweight and portable
Price Slightly higher More affordable
Design Sleek and modern Understated

When it comes to sound quality, Yamaha’s YPG-235 uses their AWM Stereo Sampling technology, which produces rich and realistic piano sounds. 

The Casio WK-245, on the other hand, features Casio’s AHL sound source. While both keyboards offer a variety of instrument voices, the Yamaha edges out slightly in terms of the realism of its piano tones.

The built-in features are another area where these two keyboards shine. The YPG-235 has the Yamaha Education Suite, which is fantastic for learning new songs and improving your skills. The Casio WK-245 counters with its Step-Up Lesson system, which is equally helpful for beginners. 

Both keyboards have built-in recording capabilities and USB connectivity, making it easy to connect to a computer or other devices.

Design-wise, the Yamaha YPG-235 has a sleek silver finish that looks modern and stylish. It’s lightweight and portable, which is great for taking it on the go. The Casio WK-245 is also portable and has a solid build quality, though its design is a bit more understated compared to the Yamaha.

In terms of user interface, both keyboards are user-friendly with clear displays and well-organized control panels. However, I find the layout on the YPG-235 to be a bit more intuitive, which makes it easier to navigate through the various settings and features.

Overall, both the Yamaha YPG-235 and the Casio WK-245 are excellent choices, offering a great blend of features, sound quality, and portability. Whether you choose the Yamaha or the Casio, you’re getting a reliable instrument that will support your musical journey.

Check Out Pricing and Availability on Amazon

Yamaha YPG-235 Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of the Yamaha YPG-235:

Pros Cons
Realistic piano sounds with AWM Stereo Sampling Slightly higher price compared to similar models
76 touch-sensitive keys for expressive playing Keys are not fully weighted
Yamaha Education Suite for learning
User-friendly interface and intuitive controls
Lightweight and portable design
Built-in 6-track recorder
USB connectivity

This table summarizes the main advantages and drawbacks of the Yamaha YPG-235, helping potential buyers quickly see the key points to consider.

Price and Value

When considering the Yamaha YPG-235, it typically falls into a mid-range price category for digital pianos. Generally speaking, digital pianos in this range can range from approximately $300 to $500, depending on the retailer and any current promotions.

Yamaha YPG-235 features and specs

Value Considerations:

  • Sound Quality: The Yamaha YPG-235 offers excellent sound quality with its AWM Stereo Sampling technology, providing realistic piano tones that are comparable to higher-end models.
  • Features: It comes equipped with a variety of features such as 76 touch-sensitive keys, Yamaha Education Suite for learning, a built-in 6-track recorder, and USB connectivity for easy integration with computers and other devices.
  • Build and Design: It features a lightweight and portable design, making it suitable for both home practice and gigs. The interface is user-friendly, which enhances overall usability.
  • Price Range Comparison: Compared to similar models from other brands, the Yamaha YPG-235 may be slightly higher priced due to its brand reputation and feature set. However, it offers good value for money considering the quality of its sound and the range of features it provides.

In summary, if you’re looking for a digital piano that combines good sound quality, useful features, and portability at a reasonable price, the Yamaha YPG-235 is a solid choice within its price range.

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Alesis Melody 61 MKII Piano Review Sun, 07 May 2023 06:51:58 +0000 The Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard is a popular musical instrument known for its versatility and affordability. In this review, we will explore the key features and performance of this keyboard to help you make an informed decision. The Melody 61 MKII offers an extensive range of instrument voices, accompaniment styles, and connectivity options, making… Continue reading

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The Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard is a popular musical instrument known for its versatility and affordability. In this review, we will explore the key features and performance of this keyboard to help you make an informed decision. The Melody 61 MKII offers an extensive range of instrument voices, accompaniment styles, and connectivity options, making it suitable for beginners and intermediate players alike. Our aim is to provide an objective analysis of its pros and cons, evaluating its sound quality, user experience, and comparing it with similar keyboards in the market. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or a budding musician, this review aims to assist you in determining if the Alesis Melody 61 MKII is the right keyboard for your needs.

Key Features of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII

The Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard boasts a range of key features that make it a versatile and user-friendly instrument. Firstly, it offers a generous number of keys, with a standard 61-key layout, allowing for a wide range of musical expression and versatility in playing different genres. The keyboard’s size strikes a balance between portability and functionality, making it suitable for both home and on-the-go use.

When it comes to audio output, the Melody 61 MKII is equipped with built-in speakers that deliver decent sound quality. Additionally, it includes a headphone jack, enabling private practice sessions or late-night playing without disturbing others.

One of the standout features of the Melody 61 MKII is its vast array of sound options and instrument voices. With over 300 built-in voices, ranging from pianos and strings to drums and synthesizers, musicians can explore a wide sonic palette and experiment with different tones.

To enhance the playing experience, the keyboard offers various accompaniment styles and rhythms. This feature allows players to create full-sounding arrangements and provides a virtual backing band for solo performances.

Furthermore, the Melody 61 MKII provides several connectivity options, including USB-MIDI connectivity, allowing users to connect to external devices such as computers or music production software. This feature expands the keyboard’s functionality and opens up possibilities for music production and recording.

Overall, the Alesis Melody 61 MKII impresses with its extensive range of features, including the number of keys, built-in speakers, diverse sound options, accompaniment styles, and connectivity options, making it a compelling choice for both beginners and intermediate players seeking a versatile and affordable keyboard.

Pros of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII

The Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard boasts several notable advantages that make it an appealing choice for musicians of all levels. Firstly, its versatility shines through the wide range of sound options and instrument voices it offers. With over 300 voices to choose from, including realistic piano sounds, vibrant strings, and dynamic percussion, the Melody 61 MKII allows for diverse musical exploration and experimentation.

For beginners, the integrated learning features of the keyboard are a standout benefit. These features include built-in lessons, interactive modes, and a learning mode that assists beginners in developing their skills and musical understanding. This makes the Melody 61 MKII an ideal instrument for those starting their musical journey.

Value for money is another strong point of the Melody 61 MKII. It offers an impressive array of features and sound options at an affordable price point, making it an attractive choice for budget-conscious musicians who don’t want to compromise on quality.

The keyboard’s portability and lightweight design make it easy to transport and set up in different locations. Whether you’re practicing at home, performing at a small gig, or collaborating with other musicians, the Melody 61 MKII’s portability ensures convenience and flexibility.

Lastly, the user-friendly interface and controls of the keyboard contribute to a seamless playing experience. The intuitive layout, clear labeling, and easy navigation make it simple for musicians to access the desired functions and settings without confusion or frustration.

In summary, the Alesis Melody 61 MKII excels in terms of its versatility in sound options, integrated learning features for beginners, value for money, portability, and user-friendly interface. These pros combine to create an appealing package for musicians seeking a reliable and enjoyable keyboard playing experience.

Cons of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII

While the Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard offers several strengths, it also has a few notable limitations that potential buyers should consider. Firstly, the quality of the built-in speakers is a common criticism. While they provide sound output, the overall audio quality may not meet the expectations of more discerning musicians, and additional external speakers or headphones may be necessary for a better listening experience.

Another drawback is the limited number of keys compared to professional keyboards. With only 61 keys, the Melody 61 MKII falls short when it comes to replicating the full range and versatility of a grand piano or larger keyboard. This can be a disadvantage for experienced players who require a wider range of notes for complex compositions.

The construction of the Melody 61 MKII, primarily made of plastic, raises concerns about its long-term durability, especially with heavy use or frequent transportation. While the keyboard’s lightweight design facilitates portability, it also makes it more susceptible to potential damage.

Additionally, the Melody 61 MKII may lack advanced features that more experienced musicians seek. This includes advanced sound manipulation options, customizable settings, or extensive control over sound parameters, which may limit its appeal to those with higher skill levels.

Lastly, compatibility issues with certain devices can be a challenge. While the keyboard offers connectivity options, there may be instances where it doesn’t seamlessly integrate with specific devices or software, leading to compatibility frustrations.

Considering these limitations, prospective buyers should weigh the pros and cons of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII to determine if it aligns with their specific needs and expectations.

Performance and Sound Quality

The Alesis Melody 61 MKII offers a satisfactory sound quality, considering its price range and intended use. While it may not match the audio fidelity of high-end professional keyboards or acoustic pianos, it delivers a decent sound performance for beginners and casual musicians.

The instrument voices on the Melody 61 MKII generally sound pleasant and recognizable. The piano voices capture the essence of a grand piano, although they may lack some of the nuances and depth found in higher-end instruments. Other instrument voices like strings, brass, and percussion offer a satisfactory level of realism and expression.

However, it’s important to note that the built-in speakers of the Melody 61 MKII might have limitations in terms of audio quality. They can produce sound that is clear and audible but may not offer the same richness and depth as external speakers or higher-quality audio systems. As a result, connecting the keyboard to external speakers or headphones can significantly enhance the sound experience, especially for those who desire a more immersive and detailed audio output.

Overall, the sound quality of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII is suitable for beginners and recreational musicians seeking an affordable and entry-level keyboard. While it may not offer the highest level of audio fidelity, it provides a satisfactory sound performance for learning, practice, and casual playing.

User Experience and Interface of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII

The user experience and interface of the Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard greatly contribute to its overall appeal and usability. Setting up the keyboard and configuring its initial settings is relatively easy and straightforward, allowing users to start playing quickly without hassle.

The controls of the Melody 61 MKII are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. The layout of buttons, knobs, and sliders is well-organized and labeled, making it easy for users to navigate and access different functions and settings. This ensures a seamless and enjoyable playing experience.

The keyboard also offers a range of learning features and educational modes. Built-in lessons, interactive modes, and educational tools are included to support beginners in their musical journey, helping them develop their skills and understanding of music.

In terms of practicality and portability, the Melody 61 MKII is designed to be versatile. Its lightweight construction and compact size make it easy to transport and set up in various settings. Whether used at home, in music classes, or for on-the-go performances, the keyboard offers convenience without compromising on quality.

With its user-friendly interface, ease of setup, learning features, and practicality, the Alesis Melody 61 MKII keyboard aims to provide an enjoyable and accessible playing experience for musicians of all levels.

Comparison With Similar Keyboards

The Alesis Melody 61 MKII distinguishes itself from similar keyboards in several ways. In terms of features, it offers 61 keys, providing a decent range for beginners and casual players. However, compared to some professional keyboards, it has a limited number of keys, which may restrict more advanced compositions.

The Melody 61 MKII includes a variety of instrument voices, accompaniment styles, and rhythms, allowing users to explore different musical genres. While its sound quality is satisfactory for its price range, it may not match the level of higher-end keyboards. The built-in speakers provide adequate sound output, although connecting external speakers can enhance the audio experience.

In terms of user experience, the Melody 61 MKII offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive controls and menu navigation. Its learning features and educational modes make it a suitable choice for beginners, providing helpful tools for skill development.

However, compared to some competitors, the Melody 61 MKII may have a more plastic construction, raising concerns about long-term durability. Additionally, its compatibility with certain devices can be a potential drawback.

Considering its affordability, versatile features, and user-friendly design, the Alesis Melody 61 MKII stands out as an attractive option for beginners and casual musicians seeking an accessible and budget-friendly keyboard. However, those seeking professional-level performance or advanced features may find it lacking compared to higher-end alternatives.

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RockJam RJ761 Piano Review Sat, 06 May 2023 13:04:42 +0000 The RockJam RJ761 piano is a popular choice among musicians seeking a versatile instrument for their musical endeavors. In this blog post, we delve into the features, performance, and user experience of the RockJam RJ761 piano to help readers make an informed decision. Selecting the right piano is crucial for musicians, as it can greatly… Continue reading

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rockjam rj761 piano review

The RockJam RJ761 piano is a popular choice among musicians seeking a versatile instrument for their musical endeavors. In this blog post, we delve into the features, performance, and user experience of the RockJam RJ761 piano to help readers make an informed decision. Selecting the right piano is crucial for musicians, as it can greatly impact their playing experience and artistic expression. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this comprehensive review aims to provide valuable insights and guidance. Join us as we explore the RockJam RJ761 piano and uncover its strengths, weaknesses, and overall value for money.

Overview of the RockJam RJ761 Piano

The RockJam RJ761 piano is a feature-packed instrument that caters to the needs of musicians across different skill levels. With its sleek and modern design, the piano not only looks elegant but also boasts impressive build quality.

The keyboard features 61 full-size keys, providing a realistic playing experience. It also comes equipped with a range of functions and features, including multiple instrument sounds, rhythm accompaniments, and recording capabilities.

The piano’s versatility extends to its connectivity options, allowing users to connect external devices via USB or MIDI. Additionally, the RockJam RJ761 piano comes with a variety of useful accessories, such as a sturdy adjustable stand, comfortable padded stool, sustain pedal, and a headphone jack for private practice sessions.

These accessories enhance the overall playing experience and provide convenience for aspiring musicians. In summary, the RockJam RJ761 piano offers a comprehensive set of features and accessories that make it a reliable and enjoyable instrument to explore and learn music on.

Performance and Sound Quality

When it comes to performance and sound quality, the RockJam RJ761 piano impresses with its key action and responsiveness. The keys offer a satisfying touch and response, making it easier for musicians to express themselves dynamically. Whether you’re playing delicate melodies or energetic passages, the piano’s key action provides a comfortable and authentic playing experience.

In terms of sound quality, the RockJam RJ761 delivers a rich and vibrant tone. The piano’s built-in speakers produce clear and well-balanced sound, allowing the nuances of your playing to shine through. The instrument offers a wide tonal range, from soft and mellow to bright and powerful, catering to various musical styles and preferences.

Furthermore, the piano provides multiple audio output options, enabling you to connect it to external speakers or headphones for a more immersive and personalized listening experience. This versatility allows you to adapt the sound output to different performance or practice settings.

Overall, the RockJam RJ761 piano excels in performance and sound quality, offering responsive keys, a diverse tonal range, and flexible audio output options.

User Experience and Ease of Use

The RockJam RJ761 piano ensures a seamless user experience and ease of use, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced players alike.

In terms of the piano’s interface and control options, it excels in simplicity and functionality. The layout of buttons, knobs, and controls is thoughtfully designed, allowing for effortless navigation and quick access to various functions. Whether you want to switch between different instrument sounds, adjust volume levels, or experiment with different effects, the interface ensures a smooth and intuitive operation.

The piano’s user-friendly features and settings further enhance the overall experience. It offers convenient functions like built-in metronome, split keyboard mode, and dual voice capability, providing flexibility and creative possibilities for musicians. Additionally, the piano’s settings allow for customization, enabling players to adjust parameters to suit their individual preferences and playing style.

An important aspect to consider is the availability of instructional materials or learning resources. The RockJam RJ761 piano often includes helpful learning materials such as beginner’s guides, sheet music, and access to online tutorials. These resources can significantly aid in the learning process, especially for newcomers to the instrument.

Overall, the RockJam RJ761 piano excels in user experience and ease of use, with its intuitive interface, user-friendly features, and valuable learning resources. It provides an enjoyable and accessible platform for musicians to explore their creativity and improve their skills.

Connectivity and Expansion Options

The RockJam RJ761 piano offers a range of connectivity and expansion options, enhancing its versatility and compatibility with external devices and software.

In terms of connectivity, the piano features USB and MIDI ports, allowing seamless integration with a variety of devices. The USB port enables direct connection to a computer, facilitating MIDI recording and music production. It also allows for firmware updates to ensure the piano stays up to date with the latest features and enhancements. The MIDI port provides compatibility with other MIDI devices, such as synthesizers and sequencers, expanding the possibilities for musical exploration and collaboration.

Furthermore, the piano is often compatible with popular music software and apps, providing additional resources for creativity and learning. Whether you want to use virtual instruments, recording software, or interactive learning platforms, the RockJam RJ761 piano offers compatibility and connectivity to support your musical journey.

Additionally, the piano may have available expansion or upgrade possibilities. This could include options such as adding an additional pedal, upgrading the piano’s sound library, or expanding the instrument’s memory capacity.

Overall, the RockJam RJ761 piano provides a comprehensive range of connectivity options, compatibility with external devices and software, and potential for expansion and upgrades, making it a versatile and future-proof choice for musicians.

Pros and Cons

The RockJam RJ761 piano comes with several strengths and advantages that make it a compelling choice for musicians.

One of the key strengths of the piano is its affordability. It offers a range of features and functionality at a budget-friendly price point, making it accessible to a wide range of users. The piano’s 61 full-size keys provide a realistic playing experience, while its diverse instrument sounds and accompaniments offer versatility for different musical genres.

Another advantage is the piano’s user-friendly interface and control options. The intuitive layout of buttons and controls allows for easy navigation and quick access to various functions. Additionally, the inclusion of accessories like an adjustable stand and padded stool enhances the overall playing experience and convenience.

However, there are a few potential drawbacks or limitations to consider. The piano’s sound quality, while generally good, may not match the level of high-end professional instruments. Additionally, advanced players might find the piano’s features and capabilities limited compared to more advanced models.

Overall, the RockJam RJ761 piano offers great value for its price, with its affordability, user-friendly interface, and included accessories. While it may have some limitations, it remains a solid choice for beginners and intermediate players looking for a reliable and budget-friendly instrument.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings play a crucial role in evaluating the RockJam RJ761 piano’s performance and customer satisfaction. By researching and referencing reviews from reputable sources, we can gain insights into the overall feedback and sentiment from users.

Based on customer reviews, the RockJam RJ761 piano has received positive feedback for its affordability and value for money. Users appreciate the wide range of features and functionality offered at a budget-friendly price point. Many beginners have found it to be an excellent choice for learning and practicing piano skills.

The piano’s user-friendly interface and controls have also garnered praise from users, with many finding it easy to navigate and customize settings to their preferences. Additionally, the inclusion of instructional materials and online resources has been beneficial for learners, providing them with guidance and support.

However, some users have mentioned that the piano’s sound quality may not be as robust as higher-end models. While it still delivers a satisfactory tone, advanced players may find the sound limitations noticeable.

Overall, customer reviews indicate that the RockJam RJ761 piano has been well-received, particularly for its affordability, user-friendly features, and learning resources, making it a popular choice among beginners and intermediate players.

Pricing And Value For Money

When considering the pricing and value for money of the RockJam RJ761 piano, it is important to compare it to similar models in its class.

In terms of price, the RockJam RJ761 piano is often positioned as a budget-friendly option. When compared to other pianos in its price range, it offers a compelling package of features and functionality. It provides a full-size keyboard with multiple instrument sounds, rhythm accompaniments, and connectivity options, all at a more accessible price point.

In terms of value, the piano delivers a satisfactory performance that aligns with its price. While it may not offer the same level of advanced features or sound quality as higher-end models, it still provides a solid playing experience for beginners and intermediate players. The included accessories, such as the stand and stool, further enhance the overall value by providing convenience and comfort.

Overall, the RockJam RJ761 piano offers good value for money. It provides a range of features and functionality at an affordable price, making it an attractive choice for those seeking a reliable instrument without breaking the bank.

Conclusion and Final Verdict

In conclusion, the RockJam RJ761 piano proves to be a versatile and accessible instrument for musicians of different skill levels. Throughout this review, we have highlighted its key features, performance, user experience, connectivity options, and value for money.

The RockJam RJ761 piano stands out for its user-friendly interface, responsive key action, and diverse range of instrument sounds and accompaniments. It offers a solid playing experience and comes with useful accessories that enhance convenience.

While it may have some limitations in terms of sound quality and advanced features, the piano’s affordability and value for money make it an excellent choice for beginners and intermediate players. It provides a great platform for learning, practicing, and exploring different musical styles.

In summary, the RockJam RJ761 piano is a reliable option that delivers on its promises. It offers a combination of affordability, user-friendly features, and overall quality that makes it a worthwhile investment for aspiring musicians.

For potential buyers, we recommend considering your specific needs and skill level. If you’re seeking an affordable and reliable piano with useful features, the RockJam RJ761 piano is certainly worth considering.

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Yamaha P45 Digital Piano Review: Is It Any Good? Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:26:08 +0000 Overview The Yamaha P45 Digital Piano is a “mid-range” keyboard that’s great to use for beginners and experienced keyboardists alike. If you are considering owning a Yamaha P45, you might be searching online for reviews, as well as pros and cons of this particular model. This review will tell you all the essential things you… Continue reading

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Yamaha P45 digital piano review


The Yamaha P45 Digital Piano is a “mid-range” keyboard that’s great to use for beginners and experienced keyboardists alike. If you are considering owning a Yamaha P45, you might be searching online for reviews, as well as pros and cons of this particular model. This review will tell you all the essential things you need to know. 

Let’s start with the main features of this piano: 

Features of the Yamaha P45 Digital Piano

Click on the image for more info about the Yamaha P45

88 Keys

This model boasts a full range of 88 keys, same as that of a grand piano. At last, you no longer have to restrict your playing to a few octaves. With the P45, there is enough space to move your fingers around and play with a wider range. Hit those high notes with ease, and also empower your playing by hitting those low, bass notes as well. 

Fully-weighted piano style keys

If you’re used to playing acoustic pianos or if you’re formally trained, you’ll love the Yamaha P45 because of its weighted keys. The touch and heaviness of the keys are exactly like what you’d expect from a grand piano. Yamaha uses GHS (Greater Hammer Standard) for this digital keyboard. It simply means the keys feel heavier on the low end, and lighter on the higher end. This allows you to play more expressively and with more dynamics.

Mat Finish

Black keys have a mat finish, so they get less slippery after using the piano for an extended amount of time.

Built in speakers

This digital piano also comes with two built-in speakers (one on the left side, and one on the right). External sound system is not required. You can use the P45 at home as a practice instrument or even for recorded performances.

Functions and Controls

Yamaha P45 Functions and Controls

Click Here To Shop Around For Yamaha P45 and Similar Pianos

Dual/Combine mode 

This mode lets you combine two voices together. For example, you can layer the piano and strings to make a richer, fuller sound. You may also stack your piano sound with an EP to brighten up the sound, and so on. 

Very simple design dashboard 

Everything is controlled from one button that you hold out and then press various keys on the keyboard to change sounds, etc. While this can be a drawback for those who are used to controlling everything through an LCD screen, this can be very useful for those who don’t want to bother with clutter and instead prefer to go straight to playing. 

Split Function

This function allows you to divide the whole keyboard into different ranges of notes. For example, if you are a piano instructor and you want to teach your student through side-by-side playing, you can use the split function so that you can sit on different sides of the piano and still play the same notes. 

Sounds and Voices

Now you might be wondering what sort of sounds can be found in the Yamaha P-45 keyboard. Well, this digital piano contains 10 high quality voices which include digitally sampled tones from Yamaha acoustic grand pianos.

Grand Piano

I’ve said this many times before in my other Yamaha piano reviews. The piano sound is very very good, and the P45 is no exception. The sound is fit for both classical or jazz music. Heck, use these piano sounds for any genre of music and it would still sound so beautiful.

Electric Piano

The P45 has a smooth electric piano “rhodes” sound that is perfect for fusion jazz or neo soul music. Play jazz chords and voicings, and listen to the soothing sound of the Yamaha P45. It’s  like a perfect match made in heaven!


The dynamic “Hammond B3” organ sound is a staple among standard digital pianos, including the Yamaha P45. Although there is no tremolo/Leslie speaker knob, the default organ sound in the Yamaha P45 is decent enough to empower your rock or gospel band sound.


This digital piano has a decent strings sound, but as I’ve mentioned in other reviews, the Yamaha brand really isn’t known much for its string sound.To me personally, I think the strings in the P45 sounds a bit synthetic. Let’s leave it at that.

Harpsichord and Vibes

I’m really not sure what Harpsichord sounds are good for in this age of contemporary music. It’s a novelty sound at best. That’s why I don’t use it much. The Vibes sound can be combined with the grand piano to produce a more crystal, bell-like sound.

Accessories and Items



The default Yamaha P45 purchase only comes with a sustain pedal and a piano rest (a detachable stand you can use to put your sheet music). You will actually save more money if you buy a bundle package.

The Basic Bundle

  • Digital Piano, 
  • Power Adapter
  • Sustain Pedal, 
  • Music rest

You need to invest separately for the following accessories and items: 

  • Headphones
  • Foot pedal
  • Aux out cord
  • Piano stand
  • Piano best

Pros and Cons of Yamaha P45

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  • Feels and sounds like a real piano
  • Great quality at an affordable price
  • Practicing on this GHS digital piano builds finger strength
  • Compact, lightweight and slim (25 lbs)
  • Can play even without an external sound system
  • Can be play right out of the box, no assembling needed


  • Doesn’t come with keyboard stand and piano bench — no biggie , as this is usually the case with most pianos
  • No control screen — quite difficult to adjust to if you’re used to playing synths and workstations

Yamaha P45 Price

The Yamaha P45 is what you’d consider as a mid-range piano in terms of price – around $800 upwards. You can save more money by buying bundle that already includes the piano itself, and some other accessories not normally included.

Final Verdict

Overall, the Yamaha P45 Digital Piano is a good keyboard to use. It has all the essential elements of a digital keyboard and has less of the frills that synths and workstations can offer. It’s especially useful for people who are just interested in playing piano, and care less about music production or sound effects. While there are more sophisticated options out there in the market, a lot of musicians will surely love the P45 and its upcoming iterations.

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Yamaha P-125 Review: Expert Breakdown From a Real-Life User Sat, 17 Jul 2021 10:41:00 +0000 Click Here To Check Prices and Availability on Amazon Hi my name is Verniel Cutar and in this blog post, we’re going to review the Yamaha P-125 digital piano keyboard. But unlike other reviews out there, this is going to be more in-depth and insightful because I personally own and use a Yamaha P-125 piano… Continue reading

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Yamaha P-125 Review

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Hi my name is Verniel Cutar and in this blog post, we’re going to review the Yamaha P-125 digital piano keyboard. But unlike other reviews out there, this is going to be more in-depth and insightful because I personally own and use a Yamaha P-125 piano (color white). I can give you an unbiased, first-hand information about this instrument that will help you decide whether this piano is right for you or not.

So without further delay, here we go:

Basic Features Of The Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano

So let’s start with the obvious features. This will hopefully give you a deeper idea of what to expect with this instrument, and what it offers right out of the box:


It’s a full 88-keys. So this means, if you are using an average sized sedan car to bring this digital piano from the music store to your home, you’ll have some trouble fitting it in. I remember when we bought the Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano from the music store, we fit it diagonally from the right front seat all the way to the left side of the back seat. We had to recline the right front seat all the way down to make this happen. Quite a bulky instrument to carry.

Yamaha P-125 white
With my dad, mom and brother when we bought the Yamaha P-125 (I’m wearing the white polo)

Weighted Keys

The touch and feel of the keys resemble that of a real acoustic piano. In fact, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I found the Yamaha P-125 keys “too weighted” at first. Coming from a background of learning keyboard through synthesizers with non-weighted keys, I found it very difficult to adjust to the hard keys of the P-125. I did take piano lessons on a real acoustic grand piano when I was little but that was a long time ago. Again, I don’t know if it’s just me, but the P-125 keys felt more weighted and harder to press than an acoustic piano.

In fact, I asked my sister-in-law (a classical pianist) to try out the P-125 and she told me the same thing. Those keys are so darn hard at first. LOL. Well, what I found out is that if you actually play softly, the P-125 is easier to play, but the strong attacks are what took me a lot of time to adjust.After playing it for a few months though, it’s all gravy.

Touch Response

This is a standard feature of all digital pianos nowadays. In fact, if a performance piano doesn’t have any touch response, I don’t recommend that you invest in it at all. One thing I noticed about the Yamaha P-125 is that the keys in the higher octaves tend to sound sharper and louder. You don’t need a lot of force to produce a strong attack for higher notes.

But the lower notes? Boy, I tried to record it, but the lower notes don’t really provide a rich bass sound. You would need to exert more effort to make it sound richer. This is a personal experience here. I am not a formally trained pianist, and I played with synthesizers for more than 15 years. So it’s possible that my finger technique is the problem. Just an honest take.

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Functions, Controls and Capabilities of the Yamaha P-125 Keyboard

One of the problems that keyboard players usually face after buying a piano is trying to figure out its functions and controls. You won’t have that problem with the Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano. In fact, it looks very minimalist in its controls. No frills. You can master the functions in one sitting.

Here are some of the most important knobs and functions:

Master Volume Adjuster

The master volume adjuster for this instrument comes through a slider button on the left side of the interface. It’s hard to miss. You can instantly see it, unlike in other complicated keyboard dashboards where you need to bend over just to find where the master volume is.

Built-in Speakers

This is one of my favorite features. It actually has a built-in speaker system. So there’s no need for you to connect to a sound system or amplifier every single time. Even if you’re just in your room or studio, you can play this instrument for practice purposes. No extra wiring needed. Just plug it in to a power source, then start playing. I like it.

Demo Songs That You Can Play Along With

There are some default demo songs in there. Actually, while at the music store I selected the jazz piano demo and then played along with it. The sales person was blown away (or at least tried to look impressed, after all, he wanted to sell me the item..LOL).

After some time though, you eventually get bored of the demo songs. I don’t really play them anymore now. They’re just there. Sometimes my son, niece or nephew would climb up to the piano seat and play the demo songs. I guess that feature was really made for them, not me 😊

This is me testing out the Yamaha P-125 for the first time at the music store:

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It’s great that this instrument has a built in metronome. I like this feature but there is one basic problem to it: it’s very difficult to regulate the tempo for the metronome beat. You can’t even pinpoint a specific BPM to play along with. Later, I’ll tell you why it’s difficult to use the metronome. For now, we’re just dealing with the basic features.

Drum Rhythms

Don’t get me started on this. It suffers from the same problem as the metronome. Hard to regulate the speed, and hard to choose the proper beat. Later I’ll tell you why!

Sound Recorder

Being able to record your own playing is a very good function to have. You can use it for your practice sessions. Play your piece and then listen to it later to critique yourself. I use this a lot. In fact, if you’re doing any form of public speaking, video blogging, or anything like that, you can use the P-125 to record your background piano sound in advance, and then play it during the time you speak in public or record your talk, or something similar.

Yamaha P-125 Voices and Sound Choices

Yamaha P125 voices

The P-125 has six (6) different voice categories, with a total of 4 variations or choices for each category:

Classic/Grand Piano

This is the default sound of the Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano, and frankly you’ll spend majority of your time playing this sound compared to the others. The Yamaha piano sound is among the best in the world, in my opinion. So I have nothing negative to say here.

One thing I noticed though, is that the default piano sounds have too much of an acoustic feel. As a synths guy, I prefer my grand piano sound to be a bit jazzier and more electronic. The Yamaha P-125 has a more classic and acoustic feel. Another thing I noticed is that the hall sound and decay effect of the grand piano voices are a little bit too much. But you can always edit that if you use the Yamaha Piano app and connect to your P-125.

Electric Piano

I like 3 out of 4 electric piano sounds in the P-125. The first is the classic bell-like “DX7” EP sound. The second one is rhodes, and one of my favorite voices to use for soft playing and neo-soul/gospel feel. The third one is also a Rhodes kind of sound, but the voice effect fluctuates, so I don’t really use it. The 4th one is also good but negligible.

It’s a shame though, that the remarkable bell piano sound of the P-125 has a very short decay time! The attack sounds great, but the decay, not so much. Even if you use sustain pedal or play long notes, I just think the sound dies off too soon.


The only sound that matters to me in this category is the sound of the Hammond organ, with a rotary speaker effect. I use it as a secondary layer to the classic piano sound, and it adds a really good texture to the chords. As a standalone voice, the Hammond organ sound in the P-125 can also be a good background voice for a rock or upbeat song.

Clavinova / Vib

I don’t really use this sound category. I guess it’s good if you are providing effects to an already existing sound score or recording. But I have no use for this in any live performance. Maybe you have better ideas.


The string voices in the Yamaha P-125 are decent, but not really divine. Like the EP sounds, they decay too soon and somewhat sounds artificial. While I would choose Yamaha piano sounds any given day of the week, I’d have to hand over the strings to Korg synths. They have the best strings (aside from the Nashville string machine, of course 😊 ). But that’s a topic for another day.


You can use the bass sounds to split the piano in half – bass sounds on the lower end and any other voice you prefer on the higher end. Usually the best combination is bass and piano,  but you may also use bass and EP or try other combinations.

Recommended Yamaha P-125 Accessories and Items

The following accessories are not always included with your purchase of a Yamaha P-125, so please check with your music store or Amazon seller. I highly recommend that you use these accessories to maximize your playing experience with this instrument:


USB to Connection Type B Cord (USB to Host)

You’ll need this to connect your piano to a laptop or tablet. Once you connect to a device, you can use the Yamaha piano app to fiddle around with the sounds and even edit the characteristics of the voices. If you’re using an Apple device, you would need an additional female USB to male lightning connector. It costs a few bucks on the Apple store.

Sustain Pedal

In my case, my P-125 purchase came with a free sustain pedal. However, it is a box-type “switch” pedal that I’m not too fond with. I prefer a real damper pedal with iron foot rest that I can fully step on. You may visit your local Yamaha store or search on Amazon for compatible damper pedals to use along with this piano.

Aux Out Cable

To connect to an external sound system, you will need a line-out/aux out cable. This will enable you to connect to a mixer, and let the sounds of the P-125 come out from a loud speaker.

Digital Piano Stand

This is normally not included in the purchase of this digital piano. But there are some music stores and online offers that bundle this together. Make sure the stand you choose is sturdy enough to support the bulky weight and sheer length of the Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano.

Yamaha P-125 Pros and Cons

Yamaha P125 Pros and Cons

So let me give you a quick rundown of the pros and cons of this digital piano. I’ve already mentioned some advantages and disadvantages, so I’ll just summarize all the good and the bad, and add some more:


  • Easy to learn all functions in one sitting, doesn’t have a complicated dashboard with hundreds of functions and features that you’d be intimidated to use.
  • Piano sounds are top-notch – as to be expected from any Yamaha performance piano
  • Has demo songs that you can enjoy playing along with
  • Sound characteristics for the voices are editable using the Yamaha Piano app
  • Clean elegant design with a minimalist dashboard – I especially prefer the white model.
  • Has a sound recorder that enables you to record your playing
  • Contains the essential sounds you need for a digital piano – no need to wade through thousands of voices and effects that you don’t actually need
  • Built in speakers with sound boost feature – perfect for individual practice and no need to connect to an external sound system to start playing


  • The interface has no control screen! This makes it quite challenging to set parameters for various functions such as the metronome, rhythm, tempo, etc. This, for me, is one of the major drawbacks.
  • Can only record one sound track at a time. If you create a new one, the old recording will be overwritten
  • Keys are heavily weighted than usual. Takes a lot of getting used to. But it helps strengthens your fingers
  • Bulky instrument that is quite difficult to fit into an average sized sedan. Not ideal for travel.
  • Some sounds/voices tend to decay too soon and sound too “raw”

Shop for Yamaha Digital Piano Accessories Here

Yamaha P-125 Price

The price for this digital piano may vary, depends on the country or state you are in, and whether you buy brand new or used. You can always do your own due diligence to look for options online. In some cases, you can save more money and effort by buying online. This way you won’t have to deal with additional expenses like gas, etc. Just have the stuff delivered directly to your doorstep.

The Final Verdict: Is The Yamaha P-125 Worth Having?

Yamaha P-125 Review

As someone who personally uses the Yamaha P-125, I can definitely say that it is a very good instrument to have. But just like any other piano, there are some strengths and weaknesses. Learn to love the instrument for what it is and what it can provide, but also appreciate its limitations. Overall, I can say this is one of the better instruments I’ve played, as it is my first weighted keys digital piano. If you are the type of piano player who wants to stick to the essentials of playing and doesn’t want to bother with extremely complicated functions and features, then the Yamaha P-125 is definitely for you.

Browse For Available Yamaha P-125 Digital Pianos Online

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Yamaha PSR-S970 Review – Should You Buy It? Thu, 08 Jul 2021 12:56:43 +0000 Click Here To Check Reviews and Review Pricing Selecting a digital piano for professional use can be a tricky experience as you don’t want to buy something that is not capable of providing an enhancing experience. You need to find a powerful keyboard capable of providing powerful features that can make your live performance something… Continue reading

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Selecting a digital piano for professional use can be a tricky experience as you don’t want to buy something that is not capable of providing an enhancing experience. You need to find a powerful keyboard capable of providing powerful features that can make your live performance something to remember. One of the best keyboards for live performance is the Yamaha PSR–S970.

The Yamaha PSR–S970 is one of the best-selling arranger workstations of Yamaha. The Yamaha PSR – S970 is an upgraded version of the Yamaha PSR – S950. It contains all the functionalities of other models in this range and also contains some powerful features that are inherited from the legendary Yamaha Tyros 5, programmable vocal harmony function and external display ability.

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Benefits of Yamaha PSR – S970 Professional Keyboard

  • The biggest advantage of this keyboard is its 61 velocity sensitive keys. This highly versatile keyboard has all the necessary features that you expect in a digital keyboard that helps during a live performance.
  • Another benefit is that it has got around 989 voices that include the organ flute voices, 41 drum voices, 480 XG voices and super articulation voices.
  • For those who are addicted to DJ music, this piano offers 450 new styles that include latest DJ styles; it also offers 40 audio styles. At this price range, there is no other keyboard that offers so many exciting features for the user.


Real Effects

The main highlight of the Yamaha PSR–S970 keyboard is that it has Real Reverb effects and Real Distortion with the help of Tyros 5 sound engine. It is capable of delivering authentic and natural sound that no other keyboard in this price range can offer. You can easily add/edit the effects parameter in the piano through an attractive looking interface. The elegant-looking interface provides the user a feeling of controlling amplifiers and conventional effort in real time.

Produces Super and Realistic Articulation Voices

This instrument is capable of producing super and realistic articulation voices, XG voices, drum voices and organ flutes. It is also capable of producing clear and pristine sound. You can get an impressive surround sound with the help of 2 * 15W speakers.

Touch Response Controller

Another amazing feature of the PSR–S970 is that it has the touch response controller. This feature allows the user to control the responsiveness.

Synth Vocoder and Vocal Harmony Function

This digital piano contains the latest synth vocoder function. This exciting feature allows the user to synthesize in his voice with PSR–S970 sound.  With the help of the Vocal Harmony feature, the user can easily control the pitch, a total number of harmonies that are added, and levels.

Chord Tracker App

This model comes with a chord tracker app that enables the user to identify the chord sequences from the track. The app works perfectly with your iPad or iPhone.

MP3 Playback

For those who love to play MP3 files, the Yamaha PSR–S970 keyboard provides an option to play, edit, compose and arrange your own MP3 and WAV files.

Multi- App Support

It can be used with various apps and gadgets on your iPhone or iPad. Some of the exciting apps that support this keyboard are Music Soft Manager, Note Star, Piano Diary, Visual Performer, Chord Tracker and Scale Tuner.


  • 7 inch LCD Screen
  • Big Memory
  • Live Controls
  • 40 Audio Styles
  • RGB Socket for connecting to your TV


  • Best for live performance
  • Easy to operate keyboard
  • Lightweight
  • Real Effects


  • Plastic like Keys
  • Delay


This digital keyboard has a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars by a total of 21 Amazon buyers as of this writing. The editor’s rating given by Piano Lifestyle is 7.7 out of 10.

Final Word

Yamaha PSR–S970 is the one of the best in this price range and offers excellent sound quality. It is one of the best options for live performance. But, if you are ready to spend a few more extra dollars, then you can buy better keyboards.

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Korg B1 Review – Read This Before You Buy Tue, 06 Jul 2021 06:00:24 +0000 Click Here To Check Reviews and Pricing Beginners looking for a piano to learn with or without a teacher will find the Korg B1 as one of their options. Korg developed this model from the ground up, rather than removing features from an existing model. This attention to detail is evident in the great sound,… Continue reading

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Beginners looking for a piano to learn with or without a teacher will find the Korg B1 as one of their options. Korg developed this model from the ground up, rather than removing features from an existing model. This attention to detail is evident in the great sound, realistic piano feel and ease of using the Korg B1 88-Key Weighted Keyboard. It is priced just right for a beginner piano, at around $500. As is expected from a beginner’s piano, it doesn’t have a lot of frills. But it has good speakers and detailed instrument tones that makes it a good model to hone piano skills on. If you’re looking for a good value keyboard on which to start learning, or want to gift a loved one, then you should try the B1.

Here is a look at the features that the keyboard has to offer:

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Benefits of Korg B1

  • The Korg B1 is compact and affordable, with great sound and an impressive appearance. It will look great in your living room, on the stylish stand that is optionally included with the keyboard.
  • The chorus and reverb effects can be used to add more dimensions to the music being played.
  • Excellent distortion-free performance at the lower registers.
  • Touch control with light, normal and heavy touch response. This lets you play almost as expressively as is possible with a concert Grand.
  • Two oval speakers located on top of the keyboard offer good sound.

Features of Korg B1

Eight Instrument Sounds

Beginners don’t need a lot of sounds and tones to experiment with. No memory was wasted on such frills in the B1. Instead, the manufacturers have given us a few basic instrument sounds that every beginner will want. The default piano sound is close to an acoustic piano with a classic character. There are three acoustic piano sounds in all. These tones are good for piano lessons and practice. Other additional instrument sounds you can play along with include two electric pianos, two organs, a harpsichord. There are enough instrumentations to play various styles of music on the B1, including rock, ballads and jazz. As with many other Korg beginner pianos, the Piano Play button will immediately take you back to the default piano sound from whatever sound is selected. The sounds have been created through the sampling of multiple digital recordings.

Natural Weighted Hammer Keys

The B1 uses Korg’s Natural Weighted Hammer (NH) technology for its weighted keys. The keys respond differently to lighter and heavier touches, like an acoustic piano would. The keys also sound heavier in the lower registers and lighter in the higher registers, just like a concert grand piano. Practising on the B1 will give beginners the opportunity to learn how to play a real acoustic piano. The player can also adjust the dynamic response to match the playing style. This means you can fine tune the key responses depending on your playing style. If you prefer a lighter touch, for example, you can set the keys to reach its full tone slower.

Rich Resonant Sound

The Korg B1 uses its servo-assisted MFB (Motional Feedback) technology to produce natural sounds. This technology controls the movement of the stereo speaker cone, so that there is minimum distortion when low frequency sounds are produced. This technology makes it possible for the keyboard to achieve the natural, rich tones of an acoustic piano even in the lower registers. The full-range speakers that are built into the keyboard are assisted by a passive radiator, to create a full range of exquisite and nuanced piano sounds.

The maximum polyphony of 120 voices means that the keyboard can play 120 notes at one time. This makes it possible for the player to try out complex phrases and multiple layering without any problems.

Partner Mode for Learning

The KORG B1 keyboard lets you split the keyboard into two separate keyboards of 44 keys. Each half has the same pitch as the other. This setup is great for student and teacher lessons. A teacher can play the piece on one half, while the student can follow in the other half. This excellent system makes learning fun and more fluent for younger students.

Metronome & Music Rest

Another feature that makes this piano great for learning is the included metronome. The metronome achieves a range of tempos between 40 BPM and 120 BPM. The keyboard also comes with a music rest. The rest is designed with little pockets at either lower corner. These pockets make it easy to hold the pages open without accidentally turning them.

Damper Pedal Included

The Korg B1 comes with a damper pedal or sustain pedal. It is a comfortable and stable pedal that you can use to add expressiveness to your playing. You can enjoy many different playing styles with the help of this damper pedal. As with a classic Grand piano, there are two additional metal pedals for soft and sostenuto playing. Sostenuto lets you add sustain only to notes that are being pressed down while the pedal is pushed. The notes played after are unaffected by the sustain.

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Other Features

The piano has a headphone jack, which can also be used as a line out to external amps. It consumes very little power of 3W. There are 8 demo songs that come built-in. New players who are only interested in exploring their own creativity with the piano sounds available will not miss the huge libraries of sounds on more expensive keyboards.


  • Good piano action
  • Good sound across full range
  • Affordable beginner piano
  • Good built-in speakers
  • Easy to use
  • No distracting frills or complex menus
  • Includes a metronome
  • Additional chorus and reverb effects
  • Lightweight and sleek


  • Sound quality may fall short of some comparable Yamaha models

Final Word

The Korg B1 is clearly designed for the learner. It is priced as such too, at around $500. There are a few other good pianos at this price point. There may be better-sounding keyboards out there by Yamaha. But the Korg B1 is a good, solidly and stylishly built beginners’ piano with good sound that is noise-free at lower registers. It is a pleasure to play and responds in a nuanced way, almost like an acoustic piano. As far as pianos for beginners go, the B1 is a good model to consider from Korg’s range of offerings.

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Yamaha CP4 Stage Piano Review – Is It a Good Buy? Mon, 05 Jul 2021 09:23:30 +0000 Click Here To Check Details and Deals on Amazon Product Overview Yamaha’s digital keyboards have always been popular among users, both professionals as well as beginners. The Yamaha CP4 stage piano is one of the best stage pianos to hit the market. It has successfully eliminated the limitations of its predecessor and offers a few exciting features… Continue reading

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Product Overview

Yamaha’s digital keyboards have always been popular among users, both professionals as well as beginners. The Yamaha CP4 stage piano is one of the best stage pianos to hit the market. It has successfully eliminated the limitations of its predecessor and offers a few exciting features that you need to look in a stage piano.

The CP4 is one of the most popular stage pianos that are currently available in the market. There are many high-end features that are nicely incorporated into this digital keyboard.

Benefits of Yamaha CP4 Stage Piano Digital Keyboard

  • The biggest benefit of this instrument is that it offers an instinctive control panel. This feature is very much appreciated by its users.
  • The natural wood key gives a natural feel to the this keyboard. You won’t get the annoying clicking sound with wood keys and that is one of its major attractions.
  • It has easy to use EQ sliders that help the user to find the right sound.
  • The build and quality of this stage piano is better when compared to other models in this price range. It also offers a full range of features that you can see only in high-end models of other companies.

Features of Yamaha CP4 Stage Piano – One Of The Best Stage Pianos from Yamaha

Sound Quality

The sound quality  is very impressive. The sound options available in the Yamaha CP4 is something that is very hard to find in any other stage piano at this price range. You can easily produce many variations of the same sound using this keyboard. It also has different traditional sounds that are normally available only in the full-fledged version of a stage piano, which is very expensive. The memory bank provides the user with 321 sounds.

Classy Look

The exterior of the instrument has a classy look. It is sturdy but it weighs only 38lbs. This piano also offers the best key-beds. The wooden keys are better than those annoying plastic keys found in other keyboards and it does give a classy finish to the Yamaha CP4 stage piano.

Pitch Wheel & Assignable Mod Wheel

Another amazing feature of this stage piano is that it comes with pitch wheel & assignable mod wheel. You can assign this to numerous sound modifying functions like rotary speaker speed, pitch mode for synth, auto panning, and other key effect parameters.

XLR Outputs

The Yamaha CP4 stage piano offers professional XLR outputs that are capable of providing high outputs. You can get noise reducing signals using this keyboard without DI box.

Change Voice

The easy to use voice category button of the Yamaha CP4 allows you to change the sound easily without any delay. It also offers the user with the option to save his favorite sound for each category. A variety of sounds like bass, organ, strings and pad sounds – are all provided to the user

Electric Piano Sound

Another exciting feature of this board is that it offers electric piano sound. You can use this feature to create some beautiful music that will remind you and your audience of music from the late 1970’s.

Special Attractions

  • Wooden Keys
  • Large LCD Display
  • Single Touch Layer
  • 433 Voices
  • Master Compressor


  • You can get an authentic feel by using the wooden keys
  • Easily portable
  • Good build quality


  • Cannot load your own samples
  • A bit expensive


The Yamaha CP4 stage piano digital keyboard has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars by a total of 26 Amazon buyers. The editor’s rating from Piano Lifestyle is 8.9 out of 10.

Final Word

The Yamaha CP4 stage piano is a value for money product from Yamaha brand. It has many features that you will find only in high-end digital keyboards. Best suitable for practice and performing on stage, This particular piano model can easily meet the needs of a professional user. Many users have felt that it is a very useful piano that has excellent sound quality.

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Yamaha Motif XF8 Review – Price, Features and Functions Fri, 02 Jul 2021 01:55:42 +0000 Overview Yamaha, who is arguably the leader when it comes to keyboard manufacturing, offers another gem in the form of the Yamaha Motif XF8 keyboard.  This keyboard is capable of producing high sound quality. The full sized version of this piano offers 88 keys. It has an impressive waveform memory of 741 MB and boasts of 1664 Voices… Continue reading

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Yamaha, who is arguably the leader when it comes to keyboard manufacturing, offers another gem in the form of the Yamaha Motif XF8 keyboard.  This keyboard is capable of producing high sound quality. The full sized version of this piano offers 88 keys. It has an impressive waveform memory of 741 MB and boasts of 1664 Voices and 97 Drum Kits.

Yamaha Motif XF8 has an expansion slot of 2 GB and an impressive category search feature that allows users to find their favorite sound easily. There is no doubt that this is one of the best keyboard workstations to hit the market.

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But let’s face it. Who cares about these technical specs? Let’s go straight to the benefits of owning this piano:

Benefits of Yamaha Motif XF8

  • The biggest benefit of the Yamaha Motif XF8 is that it increases the expressiveness of instrument sounds. It has inherited the tone generator from its predecessor Motif XS and made 8-element-per-voice structure really possible with the Yamaha Motif XF8.
  • The 8 element voice structure, when combined with the expanded articulation of Yamaha, produces high-quality
  • It has a stunning user interface and easy-to-use keys that will make even the most experienced keyboard player happy.

Features of Yamaha Motif XF8

Expandable Memory

There are two USB slots in Yamaha Motif XF8 that can accommodate 2 GB flash memory. You can write as much music as you want using this extra memory. There is no other motif in the market that can provide you 3 GB of sounds (Internal + Memory + RAM). The re-writable Flash memory allows you to replace your samples whenever you want with brand new ones.

Superior Sound Quality

The sound quality of Yamaha Motif XF8 is incredible. It has 741 MB internal wave ROM that includes outstanding sounds of piano and other instruments, hip-hop sound, and vintage synths. You can produce unmatched sounds of smooth horns, key release sound of the pianos and guitar harmonics with the Yamaha Motif XF8. The FC3 foot pedal of Yamaha Motif XF8 supports half-damper pedaling. The onboard vocoder allows you to connect your microphone to the keyboard and use your own voice for an effect.

Excellent User Interface

Another amazing feature of the Yamaha Motif XF8 is that it has an excellent user interface that provides the user with buttons, assignable knobs, and sliders. All this allows you to produce high-quality work without any interruption.


Yamaha Motif XF8 supports connecting to the computer via the USB or Ethernet. This means you can upload or download, edit and record your favorite sound/music without any difficulty using the Yamaha Motif XF8. The Yamaha Motif XF8 comes with the latest version of Cubase, the DAW software. It can integrate with Motif more efficiently when compared to the previous version of the software, Cubase 5. The Yamaha Motif XF editor allows the user to make changes to the voice from your system while you are checking them visually.

Integrated Sampling Sequencer

Another interesting feature of the Yamaha Motif XF8 is the integrated sampling sequencer. This feature allows a user to integrate the audio data with MIDI data easily. It also supports WAV/AIFF loading.  By using the slice feature in Yamaha Motif XF8, you can easily slice the sample sound that is loaded to the keyboard.

Category Search

Category search feature is another latest addition to MOTIF. Using this feature, it is easy for the user to select the right music/sound from the Yamaha Motif XF8 collection of sounds. In the Yamaha Motif XF8, all the sounds are categorized and some even have sub categories making it easy for the user to select the one he or she wants. If you are in the performance mode, then you can sort the music based on genre. The favorite mode allows the user to tag the voice and performance so that it is easier to find them in future.

Special attractions

  • 88 Full Sized Keys
  • USB connection Supported
  • Internal and External Memory Option


  • Outstanding Sound Quality
  • Easy to Use
  • Value for Money Product
  • Fit for various music genres and different kinds of keyboardists
  • Sturdy build
  • Stylish interface
  • Excellent memory and connectivity


  • Comparatively Small LCD Monitor
  • Expensive compared to other keyboards
  • Bulky and heavy
  • No music rest included

Click Here To Check Details and Deals on Amazon


The Yamaha Motif XF8 has a rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars by a total of 13 Amazon buyers.

Final Word

Yamaha Motif XF8 a value for money product from Yamaha. It is arguably one of the best motifs to hit the market. This is one instrument that you require in your workstation to produce high-quality music. Many experts find the excellent features of the Yamaha Motif XF8 exciting and outstanding.

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Yamaha DGX 660 Review – Read This Review Before You Buy Thu, 01 Jul 2021 08:37:18 +0000 First Impressions Initially, the authentic piano sound of this instrument stands out. With the Yamaha DGX 660 , you would immediately get the sense that you are in front of a premium level keyboard that is suitable for use of professional musicians and advanced keyboardists. What immediately stood out for me on the surface was the look… Continue reading

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First Impressions

Initially, the authentic piano sound of this instrument stands out. With the Yamaha DGX 660 , you would immediately get the sense that you are in front of a premium level keyboard that is suitable for use of professional musicians and advanced keyboardists. What immediately stood out for me on the surface was the look and feel of the keys on the DGX 660 – they closely resemble those from a real piano! Even the red lining on top of the keys, which you would normally find on grand pianos in elegant ballrooms, is present on this keyboard. The control panel of this keyboard is more spacious than many portable grand pianos out there, making way for a a bigger LCD screen and a lot of controls and functions without cluttering the interface.

Now let’s talk about the key features. There are a lot features, actually, but I’ll touch on the ones that I think are the main highlights of this keyboard (then we’ll look at the pros and cons later):

Key Features

  • 192-Note Polyphony – This is a far cry from the usual 64-note or 128-note polyphony found in most mid-range to high-end digital pianos out there. The DGX-660 went out of its way to give you a whooping 192-note polyphony! With only ten fingers total from both of your hands, it’s virtually impossible to use up all 192 notes even if you layer your keyboard with 2-3 sounds or voices. So yeah, basically, this is a great thing to have (knowing that your piano has a virtually limitless number of notes to play).
  • 88 Graded hammer weighted keys – Personally, I find it more difficult to play with truly weighted keys, because I learned the piano from a synthesizer and have always played with non-weighted keys for 15+ years. However, for those of you who have classical training or are more accustomed to graded hammer keys, the Yamaha DGX-660 is good news for you. For those who play the same way like me though, this might be a big caveat.
  • Six-track recorder – This keyboard comes with the ability to record multiple tracks and layer them together to create a full song or instrumental. It’s especially useful for music creators who not only play piano, but also produce their own music tracks for professional or commercial use. Personally, I’m not much into recording tracks but recorders and sequencers are always nice to have for those emergency situations where you need to record your playing (like when someone asked you to accompany a live singing performance for an event but you can’t be there personally).
  • Built-in speakers – Probably one of its ‘thank God they have it’ features. The built-in speakers make it easy for anyone to play the piano without having to connect to a PA system or amplifier. This is why the DGX-660 can be used for stage performances, but can also be used for practicing at home or playing for a family audience.
  • Adjustable Touch Response – What I find really cool is that you can set the touch response ‘level’ of this instrument. You can choose between soft, medium, hard, and fixed touch sensitivity. It all depends on your preference, your training level, and finger strength.

So for me, those are the key features of this piano. There are dozens of many other features and functions that you can tinker with, and you’ll all get to know them once you play the Yamaha DGX 660 Portable Piano for yourself.

I’m not here though, to simply glorify this product and talk only about its good qualities. So without any sort of bias, let’s delve into the pros and cons of the DGX-660 so you can truly make an informed buying decision about it:

Pros and Cons


  • High quality, performance level sounds and voices . Of course, as an experienced keyboardist, this is one of my main concerns (and probably yours too)! There’s nothing more annoying than an expensive keyboard with lots of great features but with disappointing, low quality sounds. But I’ve found that the Yamaha DGX-660 does not disappoint with the way it sounds. It really delivers. The ‘Natural Grand’ sound, which is its very basic entry level voice, sounds pretty much like the ones used by popular jazz pianists you may know, like Bruce Hornsby, Chick Corea or Jeff Lorber. It’s got a certain fluidity and fullness around the sound of the keys, without sounding too piercing to the ears or too hammered in its attack. I’ve got nothing negative to say about the Yamaha piano sound, particularly for the DGX 660. Definitely it has some performance level sounds in there. Hands down.
  • Graded hammer keys pretty much mimics a real piano feel. If you’re a fan of the acoustic grand piano, the DGX-660 would be a perfect choice for you since it mimics the hardness and feel of the classic grand piano.
  • Spacious control panel, no clutter. I particularly like the control panel of the DGX-660. It has lots of controls and knobs to tinker around with, but they are placed in such a way that doesn’t clutter the look of the entire instrument. This is a major plus for me because I have a secret dislike for keyboards with seemingly robotic controls. It’s too distracting for me to have lots of buttons that are cluttered together. With the DGX 660 though, the control panel has lots of vertical space.  In short, the interface is more user friendly than many high end keyboards I’ve seen in the market.


  • Internal memory is only 1.7MB. This is a major drawback. The very fact that this piano has a six track recorder makes it even more disappointing. I personally think that an internal memory of 1.7MB is a little bit on the low side for an expensive portable keyboard like this one. I totally understand that this can be remedied by using an external hard drive with lots of space, but still 1.7MB internal memory is too small. Of course I want to save my recorded songs on an external drive, but still I want to keep several tracks or songs  inside the keyboard for easy reference and editing later. Having the need to save them externally all the time is quite a hassle.
  • A bit pricey. Because this is a moderately high end digital piano, don’t expect that it will come at a cheap price. In 2017, you would have to shell out upwards of $700 for a product of this caliber (check your local music store or dealer for the latest prices, but much better to compare prices on Amazon). If you are a professional musician though, or someone who is active in the music industry and its business side, consider the high cost of this instrument as a reasonable investment. You can’t go wrong with a digital piano that delivers good sound quality and which happens to have a plethora of useful functions and features as well.
  • Bulkier than most portable grand pianos in this range. This piano weighs a total of 46 pounds. While this may not be extremely heavy to carry around, this is way higher than other 88-key digital pianos in this category. The DGX-660 weighs roughly double the weight of the Casio PX-360 (26.2 lbs), and the Yamaha P115 (26 lbs). This means you’ve got to be prepared to give extra effort in moving the DGX-660 from one place to another. For easy carrying, you might actually need a companion to bring this piano, especially if you’re travelling far places for a gig. Personally, I don’t recommend moving heavy instruments around a lot. I’ve found that this increases the risks of scratches and damages. So for the DGX-660, just be prepared to give an extra level of care because it is slightly heavier than other similarly priced keyboards in the market.

Performance Ratings


I give this instrument a score of 9/10 for the quality of sounds and voices because based on my listening, the available sounds really do come across as top notch. It has no traces of sounding like a ‘fake’ or much worse a cheap imitation of the tone of other acoustic instruments. As I’ve said earlier in this article. Below is an actual sampling of the DGX 660, using the natural grand piano, strings, electric piano, rhodes, pads, harpsichord, guitar, and many others. It fairly demonstrates just how versatile this keyboard is in terms to its plethora of sounds. Heck even the saxophone effect sounds so authentic! Same with the Hammond Organ effect, it’s on fire! Watch this demo:


Again, I give this keyboard a score of 9/10 for its features and functions. Aside from the key features I mentioned earlier, the DGX 660 has a lot of other tricks up its sleeve, such as the following:

  • Music database – 320 with accompaniment mode
  • Yamaha Education Suite
  • Metronome
  • Built in speakers
  • 100 preset songs
  • Dual and split mode
  • Number of voices – 151 + 15 Drum/SFX Kits + 388 XGlite

I didn’t get a chance to sample all the other features and functions, but based on what I’ve seen so far, these specs are more than enough to satisfy any passionate keyboardist out there. Frankly, if the features and capabilities of this piano don’t excite you, then I don’t know what will (ok, you know I love you right? Group hug).

USER FRIENDLINESS – 8.5 out of 10

I give this keyboard a score of 8.5 out of 10 because the user controls aren’t confusing even for a beginner. There is even a full list of available sounds on the interface. This way, the keyboard player won’t get lost trying to navigate between different sounds. However, I did not give this digital piano a perfect score for user friendliness, because I think more advanced features such as the multi-track sequencer, dual/split mode, etc., all require a learning curve for beginner musicians.

PRICE – 6 out of 10

Price is a major downside for this portable piano. Obviously, it eliminates itself from consideration if you are on a budget of $500 or less (this keyboard is in the $700+ range). Frankly, for a $500 budget or below, there are DOZENS of portable keyboards that may not equal or surpass the quality of the DGX-660, but provides good alternatives when it comes to sounds, features, and functions. So yeah, it’s a little bit of a bummer that this keyboard is a little bit more expensive than we wanted to be.

Check It Out On Amazon for the Best Prices

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